2018 Culture Keeping At The TIM Center

HAPPY 2018!!!

This year we did a lot at The TIM Center. Our goal was to present our body of work and our purpose to the community in a way that they could understand. Our vision is clear. To serve the underserved and under informed childbearing community– beginning with the African American/Black population.

We chose to use various ways to express our concern professionally and socially to the community. Out of all the work we put into 2017– our overall impact was sound and well received. For this we are thankful. 

This year we strive to expand our holistic approach in such a way that the community learns the value of culturally centered perinatal wellness.

Our vision is simple. Teach the community how to catch more than babies… But teach them how to thrive in doing so. Beginning with their living environment, their eductuain, their employment, their economy, and their empowerment.

As much as we would like to see everyone in the community utilizing our support services, we are aware that many will choose otherwise.

Our health promotion campaign is designed to support self-direction to childbearing families through the perinatal period.

How can we help you and your family become engaged and empowered through holistic self-care and overall wellness in 2018?

Check out our monthly service packages here:


Published by RaShaunda Lugrand

Social Impact Entrepreneur. Married CEO/Founder of The InTune Mother Society. Homebirthing, breastfeeding, homeschooling, mother of four boys.

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