This Birth Work Ain’t Free

Equitable community-based birth work is economic, historic, cultural, and social capital. It’s time to look within our own streams of TEKnology to create work that enables Black women to thrive. It’s time to build our PATHWAYS to improve the quality of care for our unborn children. This begins with healing justice and economic growth. ItContinue reading “This Birth Work Ain’t Free”

Redesigning Birth Work For The Future

At The InTune Mother Society we believe every family, neighborhood, church, community, and employer should have a designated person(s) or staff who is knowledgeable of how to tend to the cycles of life in a traditional and sustainable way. This is the real economy. In February of 2020, The InTune Mother, LLC opened a brickContinue reading “Redesigning Birth Work For The Future”

We Said Yes! Now You Can Too!

Yes. Our organization is deliberately focused on growing sustainsble solutions for underrepresented childbearing families. Yes. Our organization is open to supporting the wellbeing of ALL families through the primal continuum of human development. Yes. Our organization does welcome Non-POC to work with us in alliance for the creation of sustainable solutions that heal the woundsContinue reading “We Said Yes! Now You Can Too!”

2018 Culture Keeping At The TIM Center

HAPPY 2018!!! This year we did a lot at The TIM Center. Our goal was to present our body of work and our purpose to the community in a way that they could understand. Our vision is clear. To serve the underserved and under informed childbearing community– beginning with the African American/Black population. We choseContinue reading “2018 Culture Keeping At The TIM Center”

The Status of Black Women in America

As a Black/African American woman, with too many names to classify over time– I have finally come to grips with a conclusion as to why we are working so hard, but the hard work is not payin off. I wanted to write this really to the point blog post about it, yet it was muchContinue reading “The Status of Black Women in America”